This is Badr Hari vs Hong Man Choi from the K-1 Final 16 that just took place in Seoul, Korea in the weekend. I'm not usually interested in the K-1 Heavyweights since I find the action generally slow and the skill level not very high. There are however a few heavyweights that are the exception like the great Andy Hug, Hoost, Aerts and Bonjasky but guys like these are rare in today's K-1 scene. That's why Badr Hari is being talked about alot these days. He is the trash talking loudmouth who can actually has the skills. He's considered the future of the K-1 heavyweights.
Badr Hari came into this match saying something to the effect that he will smash Hong Man Choi who has no skills other than being big and heavy. Hong Man Choi is a 7' Korean giant who was a former sireum wrestling champion. Sireum is a Korean wrestling style similar to sumo. Jerome Le Banner, another great K-1 fighter, have commented that kicking Choi's legs is like kicking a stone pillar.
Badr Hari fights the perfect style against a big man in this match. Low kicks and body shots to punish the legs and body. He wasn't afraid to get in and mix it up with the big man up close either. Watch and enjoy!